At the Institute for Applied Physics research is conducted in the field of modern optics. Novel laser systems and their properties are investigated and the quantum properties of light are used to store and cool atoms. In addition, new quantum encryption methods are explored with the aim of making our computers of the future more secure.
Vortragsreihe mit einem Einblick in die vielfältige Forschungslandschaft am Fachbereich Physik (German version only)
(opens in new tab) Programme WS 2024/25
Setup of a ns-OPO and an OPA Stage for Milli-Joule Mid-Infrared Pulses
Master talk by Noah Dornhecker
Attraktive Physik: Experimentelle Quantenoptik
Prof. Dr. G. Birkl, Prof. Dr. M. Gräfe, Prof. Dr. T. Walther
Characterization and Improvement of a Field-Distributed Quantum Key Distribution Network
Bachelor-Vortrag von Jakob Schultheis
Precise spatial confinement of optical excitation by STIRAP variations in Pryso
Master talk by Thomas Riederer
100 years is just the beginning…
(opens in new tab) Poster
(opens in new tab) Quantum2025