
Designed Quantum States of Matter (DQ-mat)

The DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre 1227 Designed Quantum States of Matter – generation, manipulation, and detection for metrological applications and tests of fundamental physics (DQ-mat) is a joint center between different institutes at Leibniz Universität Hannover and Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig. Enno Giese supported and complemented its efforts through a Mercator Fellowship in the second funding period.

The Collaborative Research Centre DQ-mat focuses on the exploration of quantum-controlled many-body systems for quantum metrology and tests of fundamental physics. Its goal is to transfer today's supreme control of individual particles to entangled, interacting many-body systems. DQ-mat is a project at the interface of many particle physics, quantum information science, as well as quantum gases and metrology. Novel techniques for the manipulation, generation and detection of such quantum systems will lead to the development of next-generation atomic clocks and atom interferometers.


Enno Giese thanks the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) for a Mercator Fellowship within CRC 1227 (DQ-mat) in the second funding period.