Precision machine workshop

Our team carries out all precision mechanical work and repairs for the experimental research groups at the Institute for Applied Physics. These include small series and prototype construction of adjustment units and mountings for optics. We also train apprentices in the field of precision mechanics.

Picture: Arno Weick


The precision machine workshop is equipped with modern lathes and milling machines, a surface grinding machine as well as various cutting, sawing and welding devices.

Weiler conventional lathes
Deckel conventional milling machines
Emco E25 CNC lathe with powered tools
Haas Super Mini Mill CNC
Haas TM3P CNC milling machine
Elbschliff surface grinding machine
Various cutting, sawing and welding devices

Acceptance of orders

Monday – Friday 10:00 – 12:00

  Name Contact
Head of workshop
Arno Weick
+49 6151 16-21081
S2|15 47
Group Members
Sascha Dallinger
Laura Jung
+49 6151 16-21081
S2|15 47
Tim Wüst
+49 6151 16-21081
S2|15 47